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Heating, Venilation & Air Conditioning

Galicia, Spain, Fire Life Safety

Spain (ES):

Fire Life Safety Galicia

A Coru Abaira Abegondo Abeleda Abelenda Aceboso Acebro Agualada Aguasantas Agustfn Al=n Albeos Alberguerfa Allariz Alta Alto Ambosores Amoeiro Amorfn AmTs Andrade Arada Arca Arcade Arcill Area Areas Ares Arment=n De Arriba Armental Armeses Armesto Arosa Arteijo Asados Asadur Astariz Atios Avi=n Baiste Balboa Baralla Barra Barral Barreiros Barrela Barro Bayona Beariz Becerre Bedro Begonte Beiro Bergondo Betanzos Blancos Bobor Boiro Bouzas Breto BruTs Bueu Burela Ca Cabanas Cabaneiro Cabanude Caborrecelle Cacheiras Caldas De Reves Caldas De Reyes Caldelas Calle Calo Camari Camba Cambados Cambre Campolongo Cangas Cantera Carballino Carballo Cari Carlfn Carnota CarnTs Carral Casals Casanova Castellana Castrelo Castroverde Catoira Cee Celanova Cenlle Cerceda Cerdido Cereijo Cernado Cervantes Cervo Chafn Chantada Chapela Ciudad Coca Codeseda Codeso Coir=s Coles Combarro Compostela Condado Corbelle Corcubi=n Cornide Cortegada Corvill=n Cospeito Costa Cruz Cuesta Culleredo Cuntis Curtis Devesa Dodro Domayo Dorr=n Dumbrfa El Barco De Valdeorras El Grove El Salvador Esgos Estribela Faro Fene Ferrerfa Ferrol Ferroy Figueiredo Figueiro Finisterre Fojado Fondo Fonsagrada Fontela Forcarey Foz Frio Gabfn Gallardo Germade Godos Golmar Gome Gondomar Goya Granja Grij= Grove Gufsamo GuillTn Guitiriz Hivedo Iglesia Illa Isla De Arosa Jubial Juno L La Barquera La Bola La Ca La Cuesta La Estrada La Guardia La Merca Laguna Lalfn Lamela Landoy Lanz=s Laracha Las Caldas Leiro Lentomil Libre Linares De Villafurada Lladairo Lobanes Lois Lourdes Loureda Lousame Lugo Maceda Macendo Major Man Mao Marey Marfn Martfn Maside Maus Mayor Mazaricos Meis Mel=n Mendreiras Mercurfn Merlfn MerTns Mestre Mi Mira Moa Mondariz-balneario Mondo Monforte De Lemos Mor Mora Moreiras Mos Mourente Mugardos Muros Nar=n Neda Negreira Nieva Nigr Nine Nocelo Da Pena Noya Oeste Oleiros Ordes Orense Orga Oroso Ortigueira Outeiro Outes Paderne Padr=n PalmTs Pant=n Pasarela Pastor Pastoriza Pedre Pedrouzo Pedrouzos Pena Perbes Pereiras Pereiro De Aguiar Perillo Petfn Pi Pico Piqufn Pontevedra Porri Portas Portela Portonovo Portosin Poyo Pradoalvar PrTsaras Puebla De Trives Puebla Del Carami Puenteareas Quint Quintela De Leirado QuinTs Ramallosa Randfn Rante Rates Rebordechao Recelle Redes Redondela Refojos Regueira Reposterfa Reyes Reza Rianjo Ribadavia Ribadelouro Ribadeo Ribadumia Ribeira Ribera Rinlo Riveira Ro Roca Rocas Rocha Rois Rojas Romay Rosal Rubfn Rutis Sada Sadurnfn Sagra Salvatierra De Mi San Cipri San Cipri San Crimenso San Isidro San Mill Santa Comba Santa Elena Santa Eugenia De Ribeira Santa Tecla Santaballa Sante Santiago De Compostela Sarria Say SerTs Sierra De Outes Sieteiglesias Signeiro Sil Silleda Silvela Simes Soaserra Sober Somozas Sorrizo Sotelo Sotogrande Sus T Tabeayo Taboada Taboadela Tameiga Teixido Teo Tomi Torneiros Toro Torroso ToTn Tour=n Trasalva Trazo Trelle Trives Untes Val Valdeorras Valdovi Vale Valga Vali Valladares Valquente Vedra Verfn Viasc=n Vide Vieiro Vigo Vil Vilar Vilavella Villagarcfa De Arosa Villalba Villame Villanueva De Arosa Villapoupre Villar De Ordelles Villar De Rey Villarente Villaronte Vimianzo Vincios Viveiro Vivero Zorelle

Fire Life Safety Testing powered by Liberty Air Balance Co., Inc. (LABCO) is an independent Air and Hydronics testing agency that provides services for the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) industry. We have been working in the HVAC industry for over 30 years, LABCO has been in business in Southern California since 2003 and is a signatory union shop.

LABCO prides itself in working closely with its clients and expediting accurate air balance reports. Every field employee at LABCO is a TABB certified technician who undergoes rigorous classroom and lab training. We also have certified commissioning agents.

LABCO specializes in:

  • Air and water systems balancing of new and existing systems
  • Pre-construction surveys and plan check
  • Hospital airborne isolation rooms, OR’s and crucial air validation for OSHPD
  • Clean room certification
  • Fire life safety testing
  • Smoke evacuation
  • Stairwell pressurization testing
  • Duct pressurization/leakage testing
  • Ultrasonic water flow measurements
  • Fume hood certification
  • Kitchen hood certification
  • Duct detector testing
  • Smoke fire damper testing
  • 3rd party testing
  • Set OSA
  • Set minimum CO2 sensors
  • Demand control ventilation

At LABCO we have close working relationships with the following mechanical engineers. TKS&C, TTG Corp., JL Hengstler, Gilmore & Associates, P2S Engineering, Building Mechanical Systems and ME Engineers.

At LABCO we have maintained long term associations with Hoag Memorial Hospital (Newport Beach & Irvine), UCI Medical Center, Mission Hospital Laguna, Bank of America, Wells Fargo Bank.

We look forward to the opportunity to be of service to you and your company.